LEADTOOLS (Leadtools assembly)

RasterCollection<T> Class

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A generic System.Type parameter.
Represents a generic collection of objects.
Object Model
Type Parameters
A generic System.Type parameter.

The RasterCollection<T> class provides a generic collection class that implements the .NET IList, ICollection and IEnumerable interfaces.

The class contains the ItemAdded and ItemRemoved events. These events will fire whenever objects are added or removed to/from the collection.

Copy Code  
Imports Leadtools

 Public Sub RasterCollectionExample()
   Dim rc As RasterCollection(Of String) = New RasterCollection(Of String)()
   AddHandler rc.ItemAdded, AddressOf rasterCollection_ItemAdded
   AddHandler rc.ItemRemoved, AddressOf rasterCollection_ItemRemoved

   ' add a few items
   Dim item1 As String = "item 1"
   Dim item2 As String = "item 2"
   Dim item3 As String = "item 3"


   ' insert an item
   Dim newItem2 As String = "new item 2"
   rc.Insert(1, newItem2)

   ' check if collection contains this new item

   ' remove this new item
   Debug.Assert((Not rc.Contains(newItem2)))

   ' remove the last item
   rc.RemoveAt(rc.Count - 1)
   Debug.Assert(rc.Count = 2)

   ' send the first item to the end of the collection
   rc.SendToBack(item1, True)
   Debug.Assert(rc.IndexOf(item1) = rc.Count - 1)

   ' bring it back to the front
   rc.BringToFront(item1, True)
   Debug.Assert(rc.IndexOf(item1) = 0)

   ' copy to an array
   Dim items As String() = New String(rc.Count - 1) {}
   rc.CopyTo(items, 0)
   Debug.Assert(items.Length = rc.Count)
   Dim i As Integer = 0
   Do While i < items.Length
      Debug.Assert(items(i) = rc(i))
      i += 1

   ' loop throw the items and show them
   For Each str As String In rc
   Next str

   ' clean the collection
   Debug.Assert(rc.Count = 0)
End Sub

Private Sub rasterCollection_ItemAdded(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As RasterCollectionEventArgs(Of String))
   Console.WriteLine("The Item ((" & e.Item.ToString() & ")) Has been added to the collection")
End Sub

Private Sub rasterCollection_ItemRemoved(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As RasterCollectionEventArgs(Of String))
   Console.WriteLine("The Item ((" & e.Item.ToString() & ")) Has been removed from the collection")
End Sub
using Leadtools;

public void RasterCollectionExample()
   RasterCollection<string> rc = new RasterCollection<string>();
   rc.ItemAdded += new EventHandler<RasterCollectionEventArgs<string>>(rasterCollection_ItemAdded);
   rc.ItemRemoved += new EventHandler<RasterCollectionEventArgs<string>>(rasterCollection_ItemRemoved);
   // add a few items
   string item1 = "item 1";
   string item2 = "item 2";
   string item3 = "item 3";


   // insert an item
   string newItem2 = "new item 2";
   rc.Insert(1, newItem2);

   // check if collection contains this new item

   // remove this new item

   // remove the last item
   rc.RemoveAt(rc.Count - 1);
   Assert.IsTrue(rc.Count == 2);

   // send the first item to the end of the collection
   rc.SendToBack(item1, true);
   Assert.IsTrue(rc.IndexOf(item1) == rc.Count - 1);

   // bring it back to the front
   rc.BringToFront(item1, true);
   Assert.IsTrue(rc.IndexOf(item1) == 0);

   // copy to an array
   string[] items = new string[rc.Count];
   rc.CopyTo(items, 0);
   Assert.IsTrue(items.Length == rc.Count);
   for(int i = 0; i < items.Length; i++)
      Assert.IsTrue(items[i] == rc[i]);

   // loop throw the items and show them
   foreach(string str in rc)

   // clean the collection
   Assert.IsTrue(rc.Count == 0);

private void rasterCollection_ItemAdded(System.Object sender, RasterCollectionEventArgs<string> e)
   Console.WriteLine("The Item ((" + e.Item.ToString() + ")) Has been added to the collection");

private void rasterCollection_ItemRemoved(System.Object sender, RasterCollectionEventArgs<string> e)
   Console.WriteLine("The Item ((" + e.Item.ToString() + ")) Has been removed from the collection");
using Leadtools;
using Leadtools.Codecs;
using Leadtools.Examples;

public void RasterCollectionExample()
   RasterCollection<string> rc = new RasterCollection<string>();
   rc.ItemAdded += new EventHandler<RasterCollectionEventArgs<string>>(rasterCollection_ItemAdded);
   rc.ItemRemoved += new EventHandler<RasterCollectionEventArgs<string>>(rasterCollection_ItemRemoved);
   // add a few items
   string item1 = "item 1";
   string item2 = "item 2";
   string item3 = "item 3";


   // insert an item
   string newItem2 = "new item 2";
   rc.Insert(1, newItem2);

   // check if collection contains this new item

   // remove this new item

   // remove the last item
   rc.RemoveAt(rc.Count - 1);
   Debug.Assert(rc.Count == 2);

   // send the first item to the end of the collection
   rc.SendToBack(item1, true);
   Debug.Assert(rc.IndexOf(item1) == rc.Count - 1);

   // bring it back to the front
   rc.BringToFront(item1, true);
   Debug.Assert(rc.IndexOf(item1) == 0);

   // copy to an array
   string[] items = new string[rc.Count];
   rc.CopyTo(items, 0);
   Debug.Assert(items.Length == rc.Count);
   for(int i = 0; i < items.Length; i++)
      Debug.Assert(items[i] == rc[i]);

   // loop throw the items and show them
   foreach(string str in rc)

   // clean the collection
   Debug.Assert(rc.Count == 0);

private void rasterCollection_ItemAdded(System.Object sender, RasterCollectionEventArgs<string> e)
   Console.WriteLine("The Item ((" + e.Item.ToString() + ")) Has been added to the collection");

private void rasterCollection_ItemRemoved(System.Object sender, RasterCollectionEventArgs<string> e)
   Console.WriteLine("The Item ((" + e.Item.ToString() + ")) Has been removed from the collection");
Imports Leadtools
Imports Leadtools.Codecs

Public Sub RasterCollectionExample()
   Dim rc As RasterCollection(Of String) = New RasterCollection(Of String)()
   AddHandler rc.ItemAdded, AddressOf rasterCollection_ItemAdded
   AddHandler rc.ItemRemoved, AddressOf rasterCollection_ItemRemoved
   ' add a few items
   Dim item1 As String = "item 1"
   Dim item2 As String = "item 2"
   Dim item3 As String = "item 3"


   ' insert an item
   Dim newItem2 As String = "new item 2"
   rc.Insert(1, newItem2)

   ' check if collection contains this new item

   ' remove this new item
   Debug.Assert((Not rc.Contains(newItem2)))

   ' remove the last item
   rc.RemoveAt(rc.Count - 1)
   Debug.Assert(rc.Count = 2)

   ' send the first item to the end of the collection
   rc.SendToBack(item1, True)
   Debug.Assert(rc.IndexOf(item1) = rc.Count - 1)

   ' bring it back to the front
   rc.BringToFront(item1, True)
   Debug.Assert(rc.IndexOf(item1) = 0)

   ' copy to an array
   Dim items As String() = New String(rc.Count - 1){}
   rc.CopyTo(items, 0)
   Debug.Assert(items.Length = rc.Count)
   Dim i As Integer = 0
   Do While i < items.Length
      Debug.Assert(items(i) = rc(i))
      i += 1

   ' loop throw the items and show them
   For Each str As String In rc
   Next str

   ' clean the collection
   Debug.Assert(rc.Count = 0)
End Sub

Private Sub rasterCollection_ItemAdded(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As RasterCollectionEventArgs(Of String))
   Console.WriteLine("The Item ((" & e.Item.ToString() & ")) Has been added to the collection")
End Sub

Private Sub rasterCollection_ItemRemoved(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As RasterCollectionEventArgs(Of String))
   Console.WriteLine("The Item ((" & e.Item.ToString() & ")) Has been removed from the collection")
End Sub

Target Platforms

See Also


RasterCollection<T> Members
Leadtools Namespace



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